Information about Heterodox Academy Speakers Bureau

How it works

How the HxA Speakers Bureau Works

Heterodox Academy's directory of speakers showcases some of our members--academic insiders who love universities and champion open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement to improve research and higher education. They share their work through speaking engagements and workshops at universities and other organizations. Let these HxA members take your event participants on a joyous intellectual journey.

The HxA members listed in our HxA Speakers Bureau are diverse in their areas of expertise, geographic location, and types of events they offer.  Some are legal scholars. Some are librarians. Some are experts in communications. Some are experts on the US Constitution. All speakers listed here belong to Heterodox Academy, which means they lead by example, make their case with evidence, disagree constructively, model intellectual humility, and uphold standards of academic integrity in their work. 

The HxA Speakers Bureau aims to facilitate your search for a speaker or workshop leader you can trust. At the same time, HxA does not endorse the work or views of any individual speaker, nor does any individual in this listing speak for the organization as a whole.

How to Search for and Invite a Speaker

Anyone looking for an exceptional speaker or workshop leader for their event can search the HxA Speakers Bureau. You do not have to belong to HxA to invite a speaker. Whether your event is in-person or virtual, whether you're looking for someone in STEM or the arts, and whether you're looking for a formal presentation, a fireside chat, a debate, or a professional development workshop, you can simply enter your search criteria and find speakers who match your criteria. You can search for a speaker by name, topic, key word, event type, and other features. 

When you find a great speaker possibility and want to contact them to set something up, you'll need to create an account to be able to do so. After signing up, you'll receive an email to confirm that your account is created. You can click the contact link in the speaker's profile and send them a message. It’s important to note that creating an account enables you to get in contact with a speaker.  

The HxA Speakers Bureau is a free service connecting great speakers with audiences. The host organization must pay the speaker. HxA takes none of the money that a speaker charges a host institution. HxA does not serve as a speaker's agent in any way.  HxA does not endorse the positions or arguments of any individual speaker in the HxA Speakers Bureau, nor do those speakers speak for the HxA organization. 

Which HxA Members We Feature in the Speakers Bureau

Those listed in the HxA Speakers Bureau are particularly active members of Heterodox Academy with a track record of speaking engagements. All speakers listed in the Speakers Bureau agree to the following:
  • They practice the HxA Way;
  • They are not a student, but are a higher ed professional (currently working or retired);
  • They are a particularly engaged member of HxA--that is, they are an active member of an HxCommunity or HxA Campus Community, are a current or veteran member of the HxA Writers Group, have been an author on HxA: The Blog or a guest on the HxA podcast, a presenter at one of the HxA Virtual Events, Summits, or Conferences, or have been a Faculty Fellow at HxA's Segal Center for Academic Pluralism. 
  • They are a scholar speaking or debating in their area(s) of academic expertise or on the affairs of higher education in which they're engaged, or they are a non-faculty staff member of a university or of a higher-ed-related organization offering a professional development workshop or podcast appearance related to their area; 
  • They are willing to collaborate with the host institution to make any necessary travel and lodging arrangements for their invited speaking engagement; 
  • They will post in the photos section of their speaking profile a high quality headshot, the use of which they grant permission for the host institution to use to promote their speaking engagement;
  • They will keep their Speaker profile updated including adding recent appearances and any future dates they are not available for speaking engagements; and
  • They will not make statements on behalf of Heterodox Academy as an organization.

(Please see our "Terms of Service" page here.)

HxA Members Who Would Like to Be Considered for the Speakers Bureau
If you are an HxA member who meets the above criteria, you may create a Speaker Profile by clicking on the "Add Speaker Profile" button for consideration. We will review your profile and may provide feedback or seek clarifications. If a speaker meets our criteria (see above), we will publish their profile on the site. We do not guarantee acceptance. 

How to Become a Featured Speaker

Speakers in the HxA Speakers Bureau can apply to become a Featured Speaker (i.e., a speaker listed on our main landing page) after speaking on at least three campuses in the HxA Campus Community Network, receiving positive reviews, and filling a niche in our Speakers Bureau to represent the depth and breadth of scholarly topics among our members. Featured Speakers are not permanent listings but rather change over time. 

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