Civil discourse, info literacy & ethics, freedom to read, & more!

Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic is an academic librarian who has worked at R1s, R2s, small liberal arts colleges, Ivy League institutions, and regional universities. She has a Masters of Science in Library and Information Science and a PhD in Information Science. She is passionate about talking to students about how they can explore "hot" topics and controversial ideas while maintaining civility and dignity for those involved in the conversation (including viewers, listeners, and readers, but also the scholarship and information producers with which they are in conversation). This content also bridges into the importance of information literacy, information ethics, metaliteracies, data literacy and presentation skills, freedom to read, fake news, and other critical topics from the library and information science field. She works particularly closely with business and medical/health sciences students and faculty, from the baccalaureate level up through doctoral/PhD studies.

Her research has appeared in Marketing Libraries Journal, Communications in Information Literacy, and the Journal of the Medical Library Association, She has also served as an editor and chapter author for several book projects (e.g., Finding Your Seat at the Table: Roles for Librarians on Institutional Regulatory Boards and Committees; and Intersections in Healing: Academic Libraries and the Health Humanities). She is on the editorial boards of Hypothesis and Communications in Information Literacy, and a peer reviewer for several journals including Libray Trends, Nurse Educator, the Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy (JIFP), and Reference Services Review.

scholarshipisaconversation #informationliteracy #metaliteracies #civildiscourse #freedomtoread #ethics #researchskills #presentationskills #dataliteracy

Engagement as an HxA Member:
Presented at HxA Virtual Event, Summit, or Conference
Author of essay in inquisitive magazine or HxA: The Blog
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HxA Writers Group Member or Veteran
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Faculty Fellow at HxA's Segal Center for Academic Pluralism
Speaker's Title and Institutional/Organizational Affiliation: Head of Access Services & Outreach, Tomlinson Library, Colorado Mesa University
Event Type:
Professional Development Workshop
Blackout Dates (Dates speaker is unavailable, Days/Month/Year): Contact speaker for scheduling details
Distance Willing to Travel: Any/No Limits to Travel Radius
Scholarly Area: Libraries & Museums
Modality of Event : In Person and/or Virtual
Willingness to be recorded: Willing
Speaking Fee (Not including travel/lodging expenses): $0-$2,000 USD
Recent Appearance (1 of 5) -title, host institution, year: Free Speech, Civil Discourse, & You! (a presentation for early start students), Colorado Mesa University, August 2024
Recent Appearance (2 of 5) -title, host institution, year: Civil Discourse @ CMU (a talk for parents and families), Colorado mesa Universities, July 2024
Recent Appearance (3 of 5) -title, host institution, year: Free Speech on Campus: A Panel Discussion, Colorado Mesa University, 2021
Recent Appearance (4 of 5) -title, host institution, year: Freedom to Read: A Community Event, Colorado Mesa University, September 2017
Recent Appearance (5 of 5) -title, host institution, year: What the Data Missed: Why We Trust Data...Even When We Shouldn't, Colorado Mesa University, March 2017