Ashley Hodgson, Economist

Ashley Hodgson is an Associate Professor of Economics at St. Olaf College, a YouTuber, and the organizer of two HxA Communities: HxEconomics and HxPPE (Philosophy, Political Science, Economics, Legal Scholars). Her research and teaching interests include behavioral economics, health care economics, blockchain, and digital industries. She has two YouTube channels. One contains her economics lectures. The other is called The New Enlightenment and focuses on paradigm shifts in economics, governance and knowledge systems:

Engagement as an HxA Member:
Presented at HxA Virtual Event, Summit, or Conference
Author of essay in inquisitive magazine or HxA: The Blog
Guest on HxA Podcast
HxA Writers Group Member or Veteran
Active Member of an HxCommunity
Active Member of an HxA Campus Community
Member of a formal HxA member advisory committee
Faculty Fellow at HxA's Segal Center for Academic Pluralism
Speaker's Title and Institutional/Organizational Affiliation: Associate Professor of Economics, St. Olaf College
Event Type :
Fireside Chat
Book Talk
Constitution Day Event
Classroom Visit
Debate, Forum, or HxConversation
Speaking Topics - List up to 5 specific topics or titles, each separated by a semicolon: Economic Paradigm Shifts: Liquid Democracy and Experimental Governance: Knowledge Networks and the Human Superorganism: Moloch and the Game Theory of Institutional Decay
Blackout Dates (Dates speaker is unavailable, Days/Month/Year): Varies
Distance Willing to Travel: Any/No Limits to Travel Radius
Scholarly Area: Social Sciences
Modality of Event : In Person and/or Virtual
Willingness to be recorded: Willing
Speaking Fee (Not including travel/lodging expenses): $0-$2,000 USD
Recent Appearance (1 of 5) -title, host institution, year: "Crumbling Institutions, Culture Wars and the Dismissal Economy", Clearer Thinking Podcast, 2023,
Link to Speaker's Professional Website (to include sample writings and more extensive bio):